Welcome to the workshop on Genomics of hematologic malignancies!
On September 20th, the Working group for Hematology invites you to a workshop on Genomics of hematologic malignancies with invited experts Laurence de Leval and Eric Duncavage.
Date and time: Sept 20th, 8.00-11.15
Place: Rolf Luft Auditorium, L1:00, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset, Anna Steckséns väg 53, Solna and Digitally
Registration is now closed.
8:00-8:30 Welcome and coffee
Session 1: Diagnostic tools and follow-up strategies
Chairs: Lucia Cavelier
Welcome and introduction to Genomic Medicine Sweden
Richard Rosenquist Brandell
Development and validation of the GMS myeloid gene panel – results and new design
Christina Orsmark-Pietras
Strategies for sensitive follow up in MDS after transplantation
Magnus Tobiasson
General discussion with invited experts
9:50-10:10 Light fika
Session 2: Inherited hematological malignancies and Whole-genome and whole-transcriptome sequencing as a diagnostic tool in hematology
Chairs: Thoas Fioretos
Inherited myeloid malignancies, progress and new challenges
Panagiotis Baliakas/Bianca Tesi
Whole-genome and whole-transcriptome sequencing in acute leukemia – the GMS experience
Gisela Barbany
General discussion with invited experts and concluding remarks
Organizer: GMS Working group for Hematology