Clinical Talks: New technologies on the horizon
10 december, 2020 | Virtual Zoom roomSpeakers: Fredrik Dahl, Colibri Ventures & Cosimo Ducani, Moligo Technologies. Clinical Talks is an educational seminar series open to everyone.
Speakers: Fredrik Dahl, Colibri Ventures & Cosimo Ducani, Moligo Technologies. Clinical Talks is an educational seminar series open to everyone.
Speaker: Francesca Bignami, VP Marketing, CartaNA AB Area of expertise: Business Development perspective Registration Clinical Talks is an educational seminar series open to everyone. It is organized by Clinical Genomics Stockholm, and invites a mixture of speakers that are experts with a clinical perspective on topics concerning rare diseases, cancer, microbiology and bioinformatics. See program […]
Speaker: Larry Mansouri, Senior Researcher, Karolinska Institutet Area of expertise: Hematology Registration Clinical Talks is an educational seminar series open to everyone. It is organized by Clinical Genomics Stockholm, and invites a mixture of speakers that are experts with a clinical perspective on topics concerning rare diseases, cancer, microbiology and bioinformatics. See program for the […]
Speaker: Emma Lundberg (Professor, KTH, Director Cell Profiling Facility, SciLifeLab) Area of expertise: Cell Profiling/The Human Cell Atlas Registration Clinical Talks is an educational seminar series open to everyone. It is organized by Clinical Genomics Stockholm, and invites a mixture of speakers that are experts with a clinical perspective on topics concerning rare diseases, cancer, […]
Speaker: Lars Engstrand (Professor, KI) Area of expertise: Viral RNA testing Registration Clinical Talks is an educational seminar series open to everyone. It is organized by Clinical Genomics Stockholm, and invites a mixture of speakers that are experts with a clinical perspective on topics concerning rare diseases, cancer, microbiology and bioinformatics. See program for the […]
Speaker: Vicent Pelechano, Associate Professor, Karolinska Institutet Area of expertise: Transcriptomics Registration Clinical Talks is an educational seminar series open to everyone. It is organized by Clinical Genomics Stockholm, and invites a mixture of speakers that are experts with a clinical perspective on topics concerning rare diseases, cancer, microbiology and bioinformatics. See program for the […]
GMS, Nätverket mot cancer, Riksförbundet Sällsynta diagnoser och Centrum för Sällsynta Diagnoser Karolinska bjuder in till ett webbinarium där vi tillsammans samtalar kring vad precisionsmedicin är, vilka förväntningar som finns på precisionsmedicin, vad precisionsmedicin kan ha för inverkan på livskvaliteten och vilka hälsoekonomiska aspekter som finns.
Speaker: Sophia Hober (Professor, KTH) Area of expertise: Serology/Antibody test Registration Clinical Talks is an educational seminar series open to everyone. It is organized by Clinical Genomics Stockholm, and invites a mixture of speakers that are experts with a clinical perspective on topics concerning rare diseases, cancer, microbiology and bioinformatics. See program for the entire […]
Speaker: Nasim Bergman Farrokhnia, Director of Quality and Research, KRY International AB Area of expertise: E-Health Registration Clinical Talks is an educational seminar series open to everyone. It is organized by Clinical Genomics Stockholm, and invites a mixture of speakers that are experts with a clinical perspective on topics concerning rare diseases, cancer, microbiology and […]
Genomic Medicine Sweden is an associate partner for the next European Conference on Rare Diseases and Orphan Products that will take place on 14-16 May 2020. The ECRD 2020 will take place ONLINE.
Vi vill presentera vår strategi för industrisamverkan samt det ramverk vi tagit fram för företagssamverkan och bjuder in till två informationsmöten. Torsdag 20 feb kl 15-16 och tisdag 10 mars kl 15-16.