Welcome to the SciLifeLab Clinical Genomics & Genomic Medicine Sweden joint webinar series! During this webinar, organized by Clinical Genomics Gothenburg, Prof. Anders Ståhlberg will showcase the applications of ultrasensitive and digital sequencing and Per Sikora will give an update from the GMS informatics work.

Anders Ståhlberg, Professor in Clinical Genomics at GU, has extensive expertise within cancer, diagnostics and molecular techniques, especially NGS and single cell analysis. Anders leads the Translational Genomic Platform that aims to implement ultrasensitive DNA and RNA analyses in clinical routine.

Per Sikora, Co-Head of Bioinformatics and Data Center at GU, Head 1st engineer at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital and Co-Chair of Informatics and Infrastructure at GMS as well as part of the GMS management group.

When: Friday February 17, at 14.00-15.00

Where: Zoom videoconference, https://gu-se.zoom.us/j/61379210625?pwd=UGY2SFVEaGZRN2s5Ujd5WEpyRXQwQT09

Host: Marcela Dávila, Co-Head of the Bioinformatics and Data Centre and Head of Clinical Genomics Gothenburg

If you have questions about the webinar, you are welcome to contact Eva Berglund (eva.berglund@scilifelab.uu.se) or Marcela Davila (marcela.davila@gu.se).
