This webinar is jointly organized by the SciLifeLab Clinical Genomics platform and Genomic Medicine Sweden and will focus on comprehensive genomic profiling of solid tumors in routine cancer care. Clinical, laboratory and bioinformatic aspects will be covered.
Johan Botling, Assoc Professor of Pathology, Senior Consultant Histopathologist
Gilbert Lauter, PhD, molecular biologist
Jonas Almlöf, PhD, bioinformatician
When: Friday November 18, at 14.00-15.00
Where: Zoom videoconference. Register here to receive Zoom link.
Host: Malin Melin, Head of Clinical Genomics Uppsala
If you have questions about the webinar, you are welcome to contact Eva Berglund (eva.berglund@scilifelab.uu.se) or Malin Melin (malin.melin@scilifelab.uu.se).