Bettina Lundgren, CEO of the Danish National Genome Center, has recently joined the GMS Scientific Advisory Board.
“We welcome Bettina Lundgren to our Scientific Advisory Board and look forward to sharing experiences between the Swedish and Danish initiatives”, said Richard Rosenquist Brandell, Director of Genomic Medicine Sweden.
Bettina Lundgren has been CEO of Danish National Genome Center from 1st of September 2019 and leads the further establishment of the centre with a strong focus on patient outcome and the promotion of international and national cooperation within research and across the Danish Health Care system. Bettina Lundgren has in-depth knowledge of the Danish healthcare system and extensive clinical experience from a range of clinical departments.
The other Scientific Advisory Board members are:
Professor Dame Sue Hill, Chief Scientific Officer and Senior Responsible Officer for Genomics in NHS England
Jaana Sinipuro, Project Director responsible for the IHAN® – Human-driven data economy focus area at Sitra, Finland
Professor Albrecht Stenzinger, Head of the Center for Molecular Pathology (CMP), Head of the Section for Biomarker Development and Molecular Diagnostics and Senior Consultant Pathologist at the Institute of Pathology (IPH), University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany
Professor Dag Undlien, Head of Department of Medical Genetics at Oslo University Hospital and University of Oslo, Norway
Bettina Lundgren Short Biography
Leading experts join the GMS Scientific Advisory Board
Photo: Klaus Vedfelt, Pressimages Danish National Genome Center