Collaborating in clinical trials

One of GMS’s five goals is increased participation in clinical trials. The innovation milieu for precision health in cancer is a collaboration and initiative to promote clinical trials in Sweden. MEGALiT, a precision cancer medicine clinical study, is another. The GMS also welcomes collaboration with other clinical trials.

Samverkan internationellt

Test bed for clinical trials in cancer care

GMS is partner in the innovation mileu “Testbed Sweden Cancer Precision Health“, which brings together Vision zero cancer, SciLifeLab, public sector authorities, regions, healthcare, academia, industry and patient organizations. The initiative is a five-year project funded by Swelife with the aim of creating an innovation environment that facilitates the introduction of more accurate prevention and treatment in cancer care.

Testbed Sweden Precision Health Cancer participates in three projects funded by the European Union; Personalised Cancer Medicine for Europe (PCM4EU), PRIME-ROSE – A European precision cancer medicine trial network and implementation initiative funded by the EU Cancer Mission and Establishing Cancer Mission Hubs: Networks and Synergies (ECHoS).


The collaboration between GMS and MEGALiT gathers resources and expertise that contribute to the implementation of precision medicine at national level and to creating access to equitable care and greater opportunities for patients to participate in clinical research.

The precision medicine project A MolEcularly Guided Anti-Cancer Drug Off-Label Trial (MEGALiT) includes a clinical study  as well as several development projects implemented within the study in close collaboration between the healthcare service, academia and industry. The initiative is under the leadership of Uppsala University Hospital.

The clinical study began on a small scale as a proof of concept at two university hospitals, in Uppsala and Gothenburg, during autumn 2020. The aim is a national establishment in collaboration with local clinical research units and GMS.

Patients with locally advanced or metastatic solid tumours will be screened for possible treatment within the study. The screening will be based on which treatable genetic changes are detected in a recently taken sample from the patient’s tumour. The study is a multicentre phase II study and a combined umbrella and basket trial.

The clinical study constitutes a testbed for four separate development projects, all designed to improve precision medicine processes. This includes the planning and implementation of clinical trials, handling biomaterials, communication and interaction between patients and healthcare professionals, as well as the generation of real-world data.

Collaboration within the framework of MEGALiT is open to additional partners and we welcome dialogue. Please contact us at:

If you are a patient or next of kin, you should first contact your doctor or, alternatively, you can find information about MEGALiT (in Swedish) here.

Introduction collaboration

GMS is a national initiative in genomic and precision medicine where collaboration plays a key role. Together with healthcare providers, academia, the private sector and patient organizations we create a unique foundation for strengthening Swedish healthcare, research, innovation and life-science in precision medicine.