Collaborating in clinical trials

One of GMS’s strategic objectives is to increase participation in clinical trials. One example of initiatives GMS is involved in is the innovation environment for precision health in cancer, a collaboration and initiative to promote clinical studies in Sweden. FOCU.SE, a clinical study on cancer precision medicine is another. GMS also welcomes collaboration with other clinical trials.

Samverkan internationellt

Testbed for clinical trials in cancer care

GMS is partner in the innovation mileu “Testbed Sweden Cancer Precision Health“, which brings together Vision zero cancer, SciLifeLab, public sector authorities, regions, healthcare, academia, industry and patient organizations. The initiative is a five-year project funded by Swelife with the aim of creating an innovation environment that facilitates the introduction of more accurate prevention and treatment in cancer care.

Testbed Sweden Precision Health Cancer participates in three projects funded by the European Union; Personalised Cancer Medicine for Europe (PCM4EU), PRIME-ROSE – A European precision cancer medicine trial network and implementation initiative funded by the EU Cancer Mission and Establishing Cancer Mission Hubs: Networks and Synergies (ECHoS).

FOCU.SE – a Swedish precision cancer medicine trial 

The upcoming trial, inspired by the Drug Rediscovery Protocol (DRUP) family of trials, utilizes a prospective, non-randomized Simon two-stage design. Patients are selected based on thorough molecular profiling and closely monitored for residual disease.

Building on Swedish expertise in multi-omics and drug sensitivity screening, we aim to discover novel predictive biomarkers and therapeutic targets, leading the way for the next generation of precision medicine and improving clinical outcomes.

Learn more about FOCU.SE.

Introduction collaboration

GMS is a national initiative in genomic and precision medicine where collaboration plays a key role. Together with healthcare providers, academia, the private sector and patient organizations we create a unique foundation for strengthening Swedish healthcare, research, innovation and life-science in precision medicine.